The companies of the corporation


GECI Corporate Services S.L. is a company registered in El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain that offers auxiliar corporate services. Outsourced team and services for excellence in areas such as IT, Marketing, HR and accounting.

GECI Aerospace Solutions S.L. is a company registered in Valencia, Spain specialised in providing solutions to military and civil aviation operators and MRO´s.

International Supply Management S.L. is a company under GECI Aerospace Solutions S.L. registered in Madrid. ISM is dedicated to aviation chemicals supply management, Including different outsourcing integrated service level, for MRO´s and aircraft operators.

GECI Navigation Systems S.A. is a company registered in El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain specialised in providing navigation and meteorological solutions to the transport market. Offering high added value services and products to maritime, railway, roads, air navigation and Meteorology.

Velocity Airport Solutions is a company registered in Lund, Sweeden specialised in providing solutions to airport operator and military bases. The company embraces a strong range of high added value products and services for the ground operations from the terminal to the airside.

GECI Techno Services S.L. is a company registered in El Puerto de Santa maria. The company provides security, telecommunications and services solutions. The company embraces a strong range of high added value products and services from large scale to small projects.

GECI Industry Solutions S.L is a company registered in EL Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain. It specialises on solutions for the manufacturing and automatization industry. Offering 3PL/4PL to optimize the supply chain in the aerospace, marine, automotive, energy and metal sectors.